Diagnosis & Tests
Exactly when do you go from having risk factors to having
heart disease? These links take you to information on the tests a doctor uses
to diagnose heart disease.
The first step is getting a doctor's exam. Here's a
description of what the doctor will do.
Whether you spell it EKG or ECG, it's an electrocardiogram.
Learn the basics here.
Why get a chest X-ray? What happens? Click here for quick
Does your heart respond well to exertion? That's what a
stress test looks for. Here's a straightforward description, including how to
prepare for a stress test.
The head-up tilt table test is used to help find the cause
of fainting spells. Here's what you need to know.
There are several variations on the echocardiogram, or
"echo," as doctors call it. Learn about these ultrasound-like tests
of the heart -- and find out what to expect -- here.
Cardiac catheterization -- also called a coronary angiogram
-- means running a catheter into your heart. It's done to help doctors see
what's going on in there, and whether they need to operate. Here's where to
learn about it.
Electrophysiology -- the EP test -- takes measurements of
your heart rhythm -- recording the electrical activity and pathways of your
heart. Start preparing for it by clicking here.
Computed tomography (CT scan) of the heart can visualize
your heart’s anatomy. Calcium-score heart scan and coronary CT angiography are
just a few types used to diagnose heart disease.
A myocardial biopsy is when a doctor uses a special catheter
to remove a piece of your heart tissue for examination. Click here to learn why
it's done.
A heart MRI is a great way for doctors to get a look -- from
the outside -- at how your heart is working. Read about it here.
Pericardiocentesis -- also called a pericardial tap -- means
using a needle to get a sample of the fluid in the sac surrounding the heart.
Here's what you need to know.
There are many ways by which you can reduced the chances of Heart Disease. Regular exercise, healthy diet, avoiding smoking, keeping cholesterol and triglyceride levels under control, etc.